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Equipamientos > Skin Color Catch
Skin Color Catch
Erythema and melanin indices are indicators quantifying intensity of skin erythema and pigmentation. With traditional colorimeters erythema measurement is often affected by melanin and vice versa. These issues have been solved in the fully portable and pocket sized Delfin SkinColorCatch. The device also shows RGB, CIE L*a*b* and L*c*h* color coordinates and calculates automatically the ITA degree, which classifies the skin tone. The SkinColorCatch may be used either as a stand-alone device or measurement data may be collected wirelessly to the DMC software where more color parameters are displayed. The DMC software allows users to set up individual projects and plot and print the results or export measurement data to other programs for editing.
Measures melanin index insensitive to erythema and erythema index insensitive to melanin
Shows RGB, CIE L*a*b* and L*c*h* color space coordinates
Calculates ITA° automatically
Readings unaffected by device contact pressure and ambient light
Portable and battery operated
Fast and convenient measurement
Calibration check tool included
Wireless data collection with Delfin Modular
Core software with additional color parameters