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Equipamientos > Skin Fibro Meter
Skin Fibro Meter
The SkinFibroMeter consists of a 1 mm length indenter, a reference plate and related built-in force sensors. The device is briefly pressed against the skin and the contact pressure is registered. The indenter imposes a constant deformation when the reference plate is in full contact with the skin. The skin and the underlying upper subcutis resist the deformation and the induration value in Newtons (N) is
The measurement principle is based on the analysis of the biomechanical response of the skin and subcutaneous tissue to external force. The response is mathematically modeled using 3D computational FE (Finite Element)
analysis. The SkinFibroMeter may be used either as a stand-alone device or measurement data may be collected wirelessly to the DelfWin software.
The DelfWin software allows users to set up individual projects, store and view measurement data and plot the results or export them to other programs for editing.
Fully portable indentation instrument
Measures induration of skin and upper subcutis
Fast and sensitive measurement
Does not alter skin structure
Battery operated
Wireless data collection with DelfWin software